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Ignite Science are hosting GCSE and A level science tuition classes on Saturday mornings at the Archer Academy, Stanley Road Campus, Eagans Close, London N2 8GA  .


Excellent tuition and teaching in small classes from £15 per hour with 10% discounts for block bookings.  Online tuition from £8-10 per hour. Phone: 07467235866 or email:

See below for more details

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Who are Ignite?

The Ignite Science School is made up of outstanding science teachers who each have over 15 years of experience working in a range of London schools.

David Huxley

Bsc hons Zoology Bristol University, National Professional Qualification for Senior Leaders (NPQSL) 

“I am a classroom practitioner and tutor with over twenty years of experience, with a passion for teaching science and unlocking potential in learners.   

Every young person should have the opportunity to succeed in the sciences and whether I am mentoring pupils to attain Oxbridge places or simply instilling confidence in those struggling to get to grips with GCSE chemistry, biology or physics I apply the same principal:  Those who can master the skills of revision and exam technique are empowered to achieve their goals. 

I have spent years honing my craft as a teacher, tutor and expert in revision practice with a focus on science and know how to get pupils the results they deserve.


Ignite Science  provides the environment for all pupils to progress and I am excited to be a part of their journey.”" 

Gengiz Gursoy

Head of Science and Literacy Lead

Bsc hons Biology and Genetics Queen Mary University of London,

National Professional Qualification for Senior Leaders (NPQSL) 

"I am passionate about raising   standards whilst maintaining an inclusive  ethos to improve students’ life chances and experiences of education.

I focus on improving teaching and learning  by using evidence-based research strategies such as rosenshine's principles of instruction, retrieval practice, spaced learning, dual coding, and growth mindset to enhance the pedagogy and learning experience of students. As a literacy lead in education I am skilled in helping pupils improve their scienctific vocabulary and enable them to deconstruct  exam questions. 

Our pupil's results are a reflection of an exceptional track record in increasing their achievement in GCSE and A level Science.

Collectively we have the skill set required to enable pupils to exceed their target grades.

Our goal is to help and mentor students of all abilities to fulfil their potential."

Online Lessons available one to one or in small groups:

Excellent online tuition, fully interactive (group sizes of 6-8 students or one on one). Pupils receive uploaded electronic resources and exam questions after each session from £10 per lesson.

Commited to excellence

Our tutors are some of the most experienced and talented science teachers in North London.  They are active classroom practioners with their finger on the pulse when it comes to shifting trends in examination.  You will not find a better team to help your child meet their learning goals.  

Different Students Require Different Approaches to Learning

At Ignite Science students are taught by teachers who have over thirty years experience between them  in London secondary schools. We have taught pupils of all abilities and backgrounds. 

We incorporate Evidence-based instruction and cognitive science methods into our teaching, these are tried and true teaching practices that are effective in any classroom. There is ample research on strategies that work in all teaching environments whether in-person, online, or in a hybrid model.

We use the most updated and evidence based research pedagogy in our teaching. These strategies have an impact on student results that it is substantially higher than typical strategies.

We completely understand that every student is unique, we will get to know your child and fulfill their learning needs.

We can help you get the required grades to get into your chosen sixth form college or University

If your child wants to study a Science at A level they will need at least a grade 6 (equivalent of a B) for the new style GCSE specifications.


Many Sixth forms will not allow students to study A level Science unless they have a grade 7 (equal to an A). We can help your child achieve these grades and  we have a consistent track record of helping pupils get on to A level courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

University courses in Medicine, Bio-medical sciences, dentistry etc require top grades at A level with great competition for places especially at the top universities. 

We will help your child achieve, to meet the criteria to gain a place at top universities. We have a very good track record of helping pupils get onto courses at Russell group and Oxbridge Universities.

We have a proven track record of helping pupils achieve up to two grades above their target grade at both GCSE and A level.

What makes us so successful is our ability to help pupils develop the  skills needed to be successful in science GCSE and A level examinations and not just teach the scientific content.

Some of the skills we can help pupils develop are:

  1. Understanding the importance of command words

  2. Application of knowledge in unfamiliar contexts.

  3. Evaluation

  4. Analysing data and describing trends

  5. Developing skills in being able to work scientifically and understanding the requirements of the required practicals.

These are all essential skills required for your child to be able to achieve high grades  in the new tougher linear GCSEs.

Individualised, Customised ​Learning Plans

We will provide your child with  personalised learning checklist for all specification points. We will keep records of what your child  has covered with us, areas they require support in from lessons in school .  We will tailor our teaching to meet their needs

Ignite Science: Archer Academy

Stanley Road Campus,Eagans Close

London  N2 8GA

Ignite Science tuition are hosting GCSE and A level science tuition classes on Saturday mornings at the Archer Academy, our  first in the Barnet area with weekday evening lessons beginning soon.

A convenient location for pupils and parents within the Barnet and Haringey area to commute.

Excellent tuition and teaching in small classes from £15 per hour with 10% discounts for block bookings. This includes:

  • Quality first teaching by experienced practitioners with proven track records

  • Exam practice with feedback every session

  • Retrieval practice exam booklets to enable mastery in each topic area to take home.

  • Interactive Powerpoints and past papers to support students with revision and independent learning.

  • Parental Feedback  


Book now or contact us if you have any queries:

by Phone: 07467235866 

or email:

See what students say about their experiences working with us on our Testimonials page
I achieved an A* in Biology and Physics and an A in Chemistry at GCSE. Mr Gursoy and Mr Huxley  make the learning enjoyable and relevant, they are always supportive and I would highly recommend them at any level.”

Daniel Perahia London

Ignite Science are fantastic and are the reason I got an A in A-level Biology and am studying Biomedical Sciences at University.

Filip Wojtczak Stratford London

Ignite are amazing, I got an overall B for science at GCSE with their help, this was above my predicted grade. 

Nikoleta Bogdan Walthamstow London

Ignite are excellent and were the reason I did very well in science at school and went onto study it at University. 

Khaled Shah Hackney

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